I'm Poppy Solomon,
a young adult fiction specialist from Australia's Sunshine Coast. My job is to help you make your young adult fiction novel speak to its ideal teen readers. Read 'The Long Story' below to find out more about myself, my journey, and why I love YA.
Here are some of the things I do that benefit my clients:​
Use Bookstagram to keep track of trends and connect with readers
Read ARCs of YA books to know what’s being released
Know where clients' books will sit with their competition
Keep a database of beta, ARC, and sensitivity readers
Share clients' books on Bookstagram for promotion
Respect author voice and edit for teen readers, not just for perfect grammar and spelling

The long story:
I’ve always loved reading and writing young adult fiction. As a teenager, I was drawn to strong, relatable characters who felt real; reading was an escape that I’ll always be grateful for. As an adult, my love of YA has never wavered. Teen fiction has a unique vividness and excitement.
Because I loved YA so much, I quickly became interested in writing it myself. There were characters and stories I didn’t see on the shelves, and I was ready to create my own. So I began reading even more, analysing the storytelling conventions successful authors used. It came down to this: How could I turn my own ideas into something that others would want to read as well?
Fiction writing has a steep learning curve, and takes a lot of time and patience. It was at university, studying creative writing , that I really honed my skills and discovered a new passion: editing. When my peers and I would share our work, I loved offering feedback on the different aspects of their stories. Before long I had many peers requesting I edit or proofread their assignments.
In 2020, I took the plunge into ‘bookstagram’ - Instagram's reader community - and began sharing reviews. Since, I’ve made many friends who also love YA, and have been able to closely watch the community's trends. Also, with publishers sending me advanced review copies of books, I can know what's being released and what people think.
In 2022, I decided to take my author assistant business ‘All Write’ and turn it into something new – a specialist young adult editing and marketing business. These were the spaces I knew I could really shine in! I love working with YA authors on their amazing novels, ensuring they can communicate with their audience effectively and not suffer from the generational gap between themselves and today’s teens.
I am so excited to help you get your story into the hands of its ideal reader.
If you would like to discuss working together, please get in touch.